How DiGiSci Environmental Helps Prepare EA Reports?
In Ontario, certain proposed facilities, largely government-backed or infrastructure facilities, require an Environmental Impact Assessment (or “EA”) of some type. This includes transportation (road, rail, etc.) and municipal infrastructure (sewage plants, garbage dumps, etc.). In rarer instances, private sector projects (e.g., controversial gravel pits) may be specially designated, by the Provincial government, for an individual EA. EAs also apply to federally-related projects, but technical requirements are similar to Provincial requirements, so for this article, we will concentrate on EAs in Ontario. DiGiSci Environmental is one of a number of Environmental Consulting Companies that can assist in providing the studies required to meet your EA obligations. Most of our comments will be with respect to air quality impact assessment component of an EA as that is our area of speciality. An EA is meant to ensure that environmental impacts are not problematic but, at a higher le...