
Showing posts from May, 2020

Guide to Find if Your Operations Fall Under the ECA or EASR Process

Whether your facility or plant requires an ECA (Environmental Compliance Approval) or EASR (Environmental Activity and Sector Registry) depends primarily on your NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) code. This, also in turn, depends on the specifics of your operations which need to be examined separately and with care. The first thing and easiest to check is whether your facility and operations are at all eligible to register through the EASR process. This can be determined by looking at the relevant Ontario Regulation (1/17) where the ineligible codes and operations are listed. This list will contain operations that are considered high risk by the Ministry of the Environment and therefore require submission via the ECA process. However, not being on the list does not make your facility automatically applicable to the EASR process. There are more factors that need to be examined to determine that. DigisSci Environment  is one of Ontario’s most reputable environment...