
How GHG Reporting Helps Businesses

Today’s consumer is more environmentally aware than ever before. Not only have they embraced green practices at home and in their own lives, but they also want the products they buy to be earth-friendly as well. To build trust with the public and improve the bottom line, it’s wise to make your  greenhouse gas reporting  process as transparent as possible. There are three aspects of emissions linked to climate change that need to be addressed when compiling information for the report. Direct emission sources. These include anything used to generate power, such as diesel generators, as well as any vehicles operated by the company. Indirect emissions are from off-site sources and include the emissions required to provide power to your building. Other indirect sources don’t necessarily need to be accounted for, but the best practice is to include them. Emissions from shipping, such as the fuel burned by ships and transports to get a product to retailers, is considered an indirect ...

Canada 2021 Environmental News on Its Way

So far, in 2021, action has been taken to penalize organizations that are harming the Canadian environment by failing to meet regulations enforced by local, provincial, and federal legislation. Corporations causing damage to the environment with their excessive pollution emissions and actions are receiving costly fines and convictions. If you own a business and are not aware of all regulations established in the City of Toronto, Ontario, or Canada, consider working with  environmental consulting services  for guidance. By connecting with informative, helpful environmental consulting services in Toronto, you can ensure your business meets all levels of environmental legislation to protect the environment and improve air, water, and land quality for Canadian residents. With the help of environmental consulting firms in Toronto, you could avoid these potential charges: A Settlement Amounting to $675,000 As 2021 kicked off, the Canadian government did not hesitate to penalize envi...

How to Make Environmental Compliance Strategies Cost Neutral?

  In Ontario, companies that produce  air emissions  have to hold themselves accountable to meet certain government standards. The Environmental Protection Act was put in place to control the level of pollution that both private and public organizations emit. One caveat of this act is that it prevents firms from operating if their emissions levels extend above a certain level. To achieve  Environmental Compliance Approval  (ECA) and perform within its guidelines, enterprises should seek the help of environmental compliance consultants to create a strategy that isn’t burdensome but cost “neutral” for society. The Importance of Cost Effective Strategies The last thing a business wants to do is jeopardize its profitability by conforming to government legislation. But sometimes, that is the cost of sustainability. Cost neutrality, from an environmental perspective, refers to items, actions, and solutions that don’t use polluter-price as the number one priority. The ...

A Brief Up Summary of Air Pollution Control Policies in Canada

We all recognize the importance of limiting air pollution, but most of us are unaware of how exactly it is limited. The government of Canada and various Provinces has have put certain control policies in place to reduce the amount of air pollution that is harming our planet. These control policies relate to businesses, organizations, and individuals of any kind. To effectively navigate these policies, or go beyond their minimum requirements, a person should seek the assistance of  air quality assessment consultants . The Need for Air Pollution-Control Policy The quality of air within the Earth’s atmosphere has a significant impact on the quality of life. The surface air requires a certain distribution of gases to sufficiently sustain life. Many of the plants, foods, and animals humans consume depend on the air and its chemical composition. The pollutants created by human beings and corporations disrupt these delicately balanced ecosystems and directly affect human health. That is w...

Summer 2020 News Bulletin for Environmental Regulatory Changes

  Changes to Ontario’s environmental assessment program – Environmental Assessment Act The More Homes, More Choice Act, 2019 was passed on June 6, 2019 resulting in changes to the Environmental Assessment Act. The changes to the Environmental Assessment Act included: Exempting low-impact projects set out in schedules, groups, or categories in an approved class environmental assessment from environmental assessment requirements. Allowing for class environmental assessments to specify that the Environmental Assessment Act does not apply to a group of projects, including following a screening process, resulting in an exemption from the  Environmental Assessment  Act for projects in the group. Setting out the minister’s and tribunal’s authority to ask for additional information on an individual environmental assessment when reconsidering an approval issued under the Environmental Assessment Act. Updating and clarifying the process for amending class environmental assessments ...
  Annual Emissions Reporting Requirements for Facilities in Ontario Most facilities in Ontario (manufacturing, commercial, industrial, etc.) fall under the requirements of one or more regulatory annual emissions reporting systems. The program that applies includes: 1. National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI, Federal jurisdiction) 2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting (Provincial and Federal jurisdiction) 3. ChemTrac (within the City of Toronto, Municipal jurisdiction) If your facility is located within the boundaries of the City of Toronto, then all three reporting schemes apply. If you are outside of the City of Toronto, then at least the first two schemes apply and you are required to check if you fall within the reporting criteria and, if you do, provide annual emissions reports to the relevant jurisdiction. In this general, introductory article, we will not discuss the Ontario Provincial TRA program which, despite still being in effect at the date of writing (June 2020), is ...

How DiGiSci Environmental Helps Prepare EA Reports?

In Ontario, certain proposed facilities, largely government-backed or infrastructure facilities, require an  Environmental Impact Assessment  (or “EA”) of some type. This includes transportation (road, rail, etc.) and municipal infrastructure (sewage plants, garbage dumps, etc.). In rarer instances, private sector projects (e.g., controversial gravel pits) may be specially designated, by the Provincial government, for an individual EA. EAs also apply to federally-related projects, but technical requirements are similar to Provincial requirements, so for this article, we will concentrate on EAs in Ontario. DiGiSci Environmental is one of a number of Environmental Consulting Companies that can assist in providing the studies required to meet your EA obligations. Most of our comments will be with respect to air quality impact assessment component of an EA as that is our area of speciality. An EA is meant to ensure that environmental impacts are not problematic but, at a higher le...